Find out more about the Pure&Clean difference

The Pure&Clean Difference

Safe and effective

Pure&Clean HOCl formula is shown to be 99.99% effective

Pure&Clean® products contain HOCl, the same chemical compound produced naturally by the human body’s white blood cells to fight infection. Their patented hypochlorous solution helps reduce inflammation and common irritations. HOCl has been used for more than 100 years as a disinfectant for medical equipment and for dressing wounds because it is effective against a variety of microorganisms. In 60 seconds or less, Pure&Clean was 99.99% effective against pathogens such as:


Highly-effective alternative to traditional hand sanitizers

Pure&Clean Hand Prep is a non-toxic formula that is safe for all school age children including pre-schoolers. Non-irritating formula is perfect for contact lens wearers. Unlike traditional alcohol based hand sanitizers, Pure&Clean:


If you have questions about any of our products, feel free to contact us: 417-243-0000 | [email protected]

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